Splash Rules!
May 25 to Aug 13: Open Daily 11 AM - 8 PM | Aug 14 to Sept 1: Sat & Sun only
Splash Aqua Park Rules and Agreement
Waiver and Rules Acknowledgment: All guests must sign a waiver form and be informed of the park rules before entering the water. This is mandatory for ensuring safety and understanding of the risks involved.
Age and Physical Ability Requirements: Guests must be 5 years of age or older to participate. Children under this age must be accompanied by an adult. Additionally, patrons must be able to navigate the obstacles using their own physical power.
Life Vest Policy: It is mandatory for all guests to wear a life vest provided by Splash Aqua Park at all times in the water. Please ensure your vest fits securely and does not come off while you are in the water.
Safety Around Obstacles: Swimming underneath obstacles is strictly prohibited. Similarly, diving head-first into the water from any part of the course is not allowed. Always enter the water feet first for your safety.
Climbing Precautions: Always be aware of your surroundings when climbing. Look up to avoid climbing underneath others and ensure you do so safely.
Jumping and Sliding: Before jumping or sliding into the water, make sure the water and landing area are clear of people to avoid accidents.
Behavioral Expectations: Pushing, excessive rough play, or any behavior that could endanger yourself or others is not allowed.
Walking and Caution: The park can be slippery and unstable. Walk carefully and be cautious at all times to prevent falls and injuries.
Operating Hours and Staff Presence: The park is open for use only during public opening hours and when staff is on duty. Please follow all instructions given by the staff for your safety and the safety of others.
Prohibited Substances: The use of the park under the influence of alcohol, medication, or drugs is strictly forbidden.
Risk Acceptance and Liability: By entering Splash Aqua Park, you acknowledge that you are participating in activities voluntarily and accept all risks involved. This includes personal injury, death, property damage, or other losses. You agree not to make any claims for such incidents in connection with your participation in activities at Splash Aqua Park.
These rules are established for the safety and enjoyment of all guests. Compliance with these guidelines is essential for a safe and enjoyable experience at Splash Aqua Park. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.